Richard Branson said, “If there is one thing that is certain about business, it is that you WILL make mistakes.” I came into Network Marketing not just for the opportunity to earn more money, but for a lifestyle and a chance to give my family the life they deserved at a young age, instead of waiting until we were retirement age. I saw how many people were CRUSHING our industry and I knew from that moment that this was the industry for me. As excited as I was about starting a home based business, my expectations about certain things needed to change before I started to see the success that I wanted to see. So here are 3 mistakes that I made in my early network marketing career that I had NO IDEA were holding me back!
1. Not treating my business like a REAL business. I thought I was treating my business like a
‘business', but from the outside looking in I was really treating it like a hobby. Now, I truly
believe you can build wealth ‘part time' inside of network marketing but during that time,
there needs to be full time focus and effort. Being and acting ‘as' the CEO even before you're
getting CEO results is crucial to getting massive results.
2. Not taking personal development seriously was a HUGE mistake in my first year inside of
network marketing. I thought personal development meant I needed help, I thought it made
me weak, I had no idea how much it was helping me grow and attract the RIGHT people for
my business! Once I started reading daily and really working on myself, my business
changed completely!
3. Not treating live events with the seriousness they deserved. This is a major “no, no” in
network marketing. One of my mentors always said “build your business event to event, the
rest is just stuff.” He was 100% RIGHT! All Your leverage is in events and getting your
prospects and new reps to the EVENTS. When you measure the growth of your
team/organization, measure it at the weekly, monthly, or annual events. If you have more
people there, then you're growing. If you don't, then you're not growing. It's that simple!
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Ryan Mcmorris
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PS: If you do not have a team or have recruited less than 10 people to your organization then this course is for you. Many Have Recruited 10 in just two weeks! Network Marketing Course