Ep 8: Parenting Tips For Online Entrepreneurs

A lot of people use their kids as an excuse as to WHY they can’t build their biz. When really they should be your reason to push harder!

Or we hear things like, “It’s easy for you to build your biz cause there’s two of you”.

Newsflash…. There wasn’t always two of us! We were both building our own businesses as single parents before we met each other.

No matter how you grew up…if you grew up in a stable home with everything you needed; or if you grew up not so fortunate….

The thing that will be key for you is to LET GO OF YOUR EXCUSES!!!

There will always be excuses ready to pop up. You’ll always be busy, or tired, or broke, or whatever excuse you let run your life….. if you don’t LET THEM GO.

>>>Tips for single parents building their biz:

-Find an hour or two every morning/night/lunch to get in some YOU time to building your biz. Wesley got up early in the morning, took 30 minutes during her lunch break, and stayed up after bedtime for another hour or two to build her biz as a single parent.

-Ryan got super organized and strict with his time and planned out when he was gonna spend his time working on his biz.

***Download our FREE Time Management Guide Now***

-You gotta find your groove and what works for you.

-You must know where your time is going.

-Make a commitment to work on your biz a couple hours a day.

>>>Tips for couples building their biz:

-Plan out your schedule for the week (as best as possible) to make sure you both still get YOU (and biz) time and time with the kids.

-Schedule out family time, dinner time, etc.

-Use google calendar or something to stay on track.

-Have your spouse keep you on track.


You can’t let your kids run your life!

A lot of parents don’t want to take the time to PARENT. They don’t want to take the time to use things as an actual parenting moment. Its important to take the time to explain, teach, and actually parent as an authority in their lives.

You need to check your kids when they act ridiculous!!! Such as crying bloody murder for absolutely no reason.

Stop giving your kids every single thing that they want. That is not how it works in this world and it shouldn’t be what you teach them.

Teach your kids how to be independent. But at the same time- let them know that YOU are still the authority.

There are ALWAYS teaching moments. Step up as a parent and use them as a teaching moment!

Our job is to raise them to be independent, respectful kids/teenagers/adults.


Let go of your excuses!

Stop letting your kids run your life!

Download Our Time Management Guide!

We want ILC to be your go to resource for you succeeding as a digital entrepreneur! So be sure to stay plugged in, stay connected, and let us know how we can help you in YOUR business and life. Don't be shy. Comment below, email us, comment on YouTube, FB or IG. We will ALWAYS get back to you and get you moving in the right direction!

ILC will also provide highly useful, FREE training on our website and youtube channel, plus bonus support with the ILC community!


We believe that you can create passive income online to create the lifestyle of your dreams, never give up, never settle, be intentional, and always create! You're always one choice away from a completely new lifestyle!

Don't forget! Connect with us on YOUTUBE and on INSTAGRAMSnap a quick of this episode and share it on your story. Tag us @ilcuniversity and lets continue the convo there!

Marketing Show Notes and Resources Mentioned in the Episode ?

?Mentioned Resources – Clickfunnels helped us get our leads and funnels to the right place. If you do not already use it for your business. Consider taking the FREE 14 Day Trial. 

? – Our Top Five Books To Read From 2018 
1. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself 
2. High Performance Habits 
3. TBD
4. TBD
5. TBD

Thanks again for tuning in to today's episode!

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PS: Do you feel like you may be missing out on sales on social media and other marketing platforms? Discover the ONE thing to change in order to increase your online sales this week (Especially if you make less than 10 sales each week). LEARN MORE

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