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Ep 105: We Would Be Homeless, If Not For This…
Show Notes: The strongest and the smartest don't survive, the ones that adapt, survive and thrive, BUT a lot of us don't know how to adapt. You have to be set on a firm foundation in order to be adaptable. 2020 wasn't the year that anyone expected, but those who were...
Ep 100: 2020 Recap: Our Biggest Lessons & Takeaways From This Year
Show Notes: Don't bring 2020's fears into 2021. Don't be afraid to serve people the way you know you can. You can do more than you think you can. This year proved that. The work you do now, might not be for this year. Stay open to new possibilities, new...
Ep 96: What If You Don't “Feel” Like Doing It?
Show Notes: Follow God's Word. We all of our "own" plan, but then God steps in and throws a curveball. God often has plans for you, that don't line up with your own plans, but His plans will lead you to new things, you didn't know were there. "Feeling like it"...
Ep 90: The Secret To Having People Beg To Hire You or Buy Your Services (Audit Closing)
Show Notes: Look for businesses that are already running facebook ads, then offer a free audit. Make sure the objective is clear. Set up quizzes. What kind of audit do you offer? We want ILC to be your go to resource for you succeeding as a...
Ep 87: Be Grateful For The Small Engagement
Show Notes: Find gratitude, even in the low amount views. FOCUS on the people that ARE watching. Gratitude will allow you focus on what is important. We want ILC to be your go to resource for you succeeding as a digital entrepreneur! So be...
Ep 86: You Are Qualified Now!
Show Notes: You are qualified now to help someone and get paid. If you've been through something or you know how to do something really well, you are already qualified. If you have overcome a problem in your life, you can help someone else...
Ep 77: 5 Ways to Ensure Your Content Sells Your High Ticket Programs
Show Notes: Content is KING - you have to keep creating content, keep it consistent. You have to create content with a clear, big promise. Create content that is based upon your framework. Has to fit into one of these 3 frameworks: Offer,...
Ep 76: Getting Ahead of Anxiety All Around You w/ Stacey Krainbucher
Show Notes: If you're always focused on the present, you're never focused on the present and you're always worried about what could/is going to happen. What other people do has nothing to do with you - you can't control them. You lose your...
Ep 75: Get Over Your Money Blocks ASAP
Show Notes: They are bound to come up. Saving to save vs. Saving to invest = completely different mindsets. It's okay to be saving for future goals, but don't stop INVESTING in yourself because you can't make more money for those future goals if you're not...
Ep 59: Are You Losing Your Mind as a Homeschool Teacher?
Show Notes: It's important that in the midst of change, we remind ourselves what we DO HAVE to be grateful for... Gratitude is HUGE Keep a schedule of the absolutes - the things you know have to get done, so you keep to schedule, even in...
Ep 57: Finding Your Superpower
Show Notes: You can not do everything on your own. Something you have to learn when building a team is to LET GO of things, especially if there's someone who can do a better job and dedicate more time to it. You CAN NOT do it all. You can...
Ep 47: Top 10 Entrepreneur Books To Read For 2020
Watch This Episode On Youtube Top 10 Entrepreneur Books to Read for 2020. These are the best books to flex your entrepreneurial muscles to grow your online business and help you make more money in the new year. So, if you want to help more clients and close more sales...