Ep 20: The Biggest Challenge Men Face Today
Creator of the No Rain…No rainbows podcast and
Creator of the Modern Man; Local Fox news host and online entrepreneur
our special guest today on ILC TV is Ted Phaeton.
Men face many challenges in today’s world. For men to be the best husbands, fathers, friends, business men, etc we have to evolve into something more.
The modern man is a mission. It actually started years ago. We wanted to create a space to form a place where men can grow.
Honestly, there hasn’t been a playbook that I could find that showed the step by step way of showing up as my greatest self. How to be the best man I could be in a way that I could connect on a situational basis.
I didn’t know how important mentorship and coaching was to each area of our lives. Until I got into the world of entrepreneurship and got tested there, thats when I realized that I couldn’t just focus on ONE area of my life.
Step 1:
I think the first step of the evolution into the Modern Man, we have to understand that we are never done learning and we are never done being taught.
Books are great, but what do you do when you need something in real time feedback?
Thats where the modern man community comes in. We have created an environment that men can plug into on a very situation basis to help improve their life immediately!
You need a mentor for each area of your life: Your marriage, relationships, parenting, business, physical, spiritual, money, etc. Each one is a link in your life and one weak link can break the entire chain.
Step 2:
The second place we evolve into the Modern Man is learning how to express emotion as the modern man. Getting mad about each uncomfortable emotion isn’t the answer. Learning how to Navigate our emotions is the key to improving each area of our lives. The more we are understood. And being better understood. Allows us to better accomplish our goals.
Step 3: Get around other people who have done what you want to do.
A lot of men don’t seek the evaluation of our situations to see –
Pride is one of the biggest things men face because we struggle with asking for direction. We can let our pride get in the way of creating the life we want. Take a second and recognizing where our pride is getting in the way.
Getting around other men that can give you clear, honest answers and not just agree with you. Its also important for men to have an outlet that you can talk about things that honestly just aren’t for your wife, some friends, or co workers. You need to know its men that can be trusted and have been tested from life.
You can’t put everything on your wife and you can’t bottle everything up. Thats a recipe for disaster. I think we all know that so, having the Modern Man community will a game changer for those men looking to lead their communities in a much better way.
Imagine this; You’re holding up a cup of water. You hold it up for 8 hours or more. The longer you hold that cup of water, the harder it gets. eventually its going to create an explosion. Others are asking you what happened? It was just a cup of water…
Connect with people who actually understand what you’re going through. This way root of the problem does not go untreated.
We all seek community in many different ways. We are wired that way. And when we get to times in our lives, like a rock bottom, its community that has the answer, not being alone or around the wrong people.
I still feel lost at times. I need guidance. We all need help, if we are being honest with ourselves
One of the best parts about the modern man is the almost selfish ambition of it all. I am still growing
The questions you have, other people have those exact same questions. We can’t continue to tell ourselves that we are the only ones going through something. Its that thinking that keeps us stuck in the same place!
The Modern Man Line Up:
Tyler Harris (@ tylerjackharris)
Charles Russ (@cjruss_)
Tim Pecoraro (@timpecoraro)
Jonathan R. Parker (@thejonathanrparker)
Tim Phaeton (@phaeton4kast)
These are four other guys I look at as mentors and role models. And they are asking me to lead the way with this movement. I feel honored and I feel like its time to step up and lead men to a new identity and purpose
Your mess can be your message if we take it right way. When we start to peel back the onion. The only thing I figured out is that none of us have it figured out.
What do you feel limits men the most today? What’s the biggest challenge men face?
Space and permission. We spend a lot of time to ask for permission. We need to learn to hone in our power. Manage the speed we are given. We get programmed with a governor.
As men we don’t know our identity. Getting around men that have done what you want to do so you know who to BE.
Tune into the Modern Man
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? Show Notes and Resources Mentioned in Today's Episode:
? – Mentioned Resources:
? – Books We Suggest:

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