Do you ever wish you got way more engagement on your social media platforms? Do you see other entrepreneurs monetizing their audiences way better and actually growing their business using social media?

If so, today we are going to help you write 10x better social media posts to help you, increase your brand awareness, explode your engagement, fill up your calendar or pipeline with presentations, and ultimately increase your sales like crazy.

Lets break down some common social media myths, some way too common mistakes we see too often, and some tips you can implement today to write better social media posts

Before we dive in! Being a better writer is essential to being a better entrepreneur online. Your ability to move people through words is your ticket to a dream business and dream lifestyle. Do everything you can to become a better writer. Even if you aren't any good right now.

Writing is a skillset. A skillset that is learned and can be improved no matter where you are today!

The tips we share in today's post are ones that can be used on ANY social platform because no matter what, people are people. They have needs and want them met. The same person that is on Facebook is on LinkedIn.

Even though they may do different things on the different platforms, its the same person, with the same overall wants, needs, and desires.

It's very important to remember, people don’t want to burn mental calories thinking about what you have going on with your business on social media. They want to be entertained, educated & inspired through stories.

We have made hudreds on hundreds of sales from social media over the years, in various business models, using what we are going to teach you today.

The mission is to capture your audience's ATTENTION, and keep it! Your job is to become a professional scroll stopper and we are going to show you exactly how to do it!

1. Social Media Posting No-No's

A – There is definitely a right way to use social media and a wrong way to use social media to grow your business. Most entrepreneurs don't take social media serious enough to understand that when done correctly it could make life 10x easier.

It can be hard to recover when we do things wrong on social media. The awesome thing is that there is a delete button. Unfortunately, our prospects and leads don't have a delete button in their head. Thats why its so key to have new leads coming in everday!

People See Your Posts. Trust us. We get there’s an algorithm on each platform. But this goes for us too, “Post Better Shit” If you want people to share, like, comment, etc. “Post Better Shit”  content and people engage” simple as that. They just dont like your post.

Social Media is NOT Life – 

Keep It Social – If you want more engagement, be engaging. Never be too busy to respond to comments and connect with the people that are connecting with you. If no one is connecting with you, connect with them. Its not rocket science, Social media needs you to be social with peoeple.

If all you do is post things that create resistence (push your audience away), and you only connect with people to make a sale, you'll lose everytime. Create curiosity with your social media posts and create a conversation that eventually will lead to more sales.

2. Create Massive Curiosity/Engagement

Ask yourself, am I creating resistance or curiosity? Am giving away the ending to the movie or keeping an open loop? *Don’t rush your content or just post to post.

3. Five Ways To Write Better Social Media Posts

Tell A Story With Each Post – Telling a story doesn't mean you are always writing a novel. Each post is an opportunity to share some form of a story. Writing better social media post starts with opening up to your audience and sharing story snippets. For example 

First Line Scroll Stopper – If we fight for our audience's attention instead of their dollars on social media. We have to get them hooked on the first 1-2 lines (Some posts are just 1-2 sentences, this could be the difference of someone going to your profile and creeping your other post, pictures, and videos.

You can ask a question to get someone's attention and stop their scroll, you can form a bold/contraversal statement, use numbers, & emojis to also get your audiences attention.

Make Your Posts Easy To Read – If you write your post and they are all bunched up with no separation, you are making it harder for your audience to read your content. You may say, well I see people do this and they still get a ton of engagement. Understand there are always exceptions. If someone already has a loyal tribe, they will likely engage no matter what.

We don't want to make our audience burn calories attempting to read our posts. Create space line by line, write a couple sentences and then make space. This allows the reader to smoothly transition to the next line.

On Instagram, the platform automatically bunches your text together when posted. We didn't like that feature, so we use this tool to make sure your post are spaced correctly and easily consumable for our peeps.

Different Styles of Different Platforms – Each social media platform is different. Even though its typically the same person on each app, they tend to switch their behavior depending on the application they are currently using at the time.

For example, on Youtube, users go to the app with the intent on watching a video(s) for possibly 15 minutes – 2 hours or more. Where on Facebook, the average user time per opening the app could be less than 5 minutes. Same person different expectation.

Keep an eye on how people engage with you on different platforms so you can make the proper adjustments when it comes to writing better social media posts.

Grammar Police – How does bad grammar make you feel about someone on social media? There are random typos that happen sometimes, but when it comes to misspelled words, misused words, and other grammar errors it can jeoprodize your image and brand if you do use the word “two” and “too” correctly.

Always make sure you proofread and punctuate your posts correctly. Take an extra moment to make sure it sounds good. Reading it outloud before posting helps. You can also you can cool application called Grammarly to help you with your writing 

Pay attention to what works and doesn’t work – If you are consistent on posting on social media (doesn't mean posting everyday), going back sometimes to look at what go good engagement and what didn't.

What video titles got people's attention and what flopped. When do people typically connect with your content and when are they gone?

Pay attention to what works. Pay attention to what doesn't work. Do not be afraid to test things, try new techniques to maximize your social media experience.

Resources – Copy That Sells by TBD, The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy, Instagram Space Tool, Grammarly 

At the end of the day, if you want to ensure your success online as an entrepreneur, just don't quit. If you want the above tips to work for you. Make sure that you commit and never give up! If you would like some extra help with your business and working on what we just spoke on head over to our ILCU Coaching Page to learn more!

Your lifestyle is a choice! Never settle for anything. You are just one choice away from a completely different lifestyle. 

Lifestyle Is A Choice, You're Just One Choice Away…

PS: Have you see the Instant Profit Social MEdia Masterclass? We reveal the 3 step proccess to go from waisting time chasing the wrong people on social media to making more sales in less time. Check It Out Here

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