Get the next set of Rules of Money to NEVER Break in Episode 67!

Show Notes:

  1. NEVER put all of your money in one place. 1 – because it's probably not actually all there. 2 – because you don't want everyone to know how much you have.
  2. NEVER let ANYONE know where all your money is.
  3. NEVER forget rules numbers 1 and 2!
  4. NEVER depend on 1 stream of income.
  5. Don't live off of more that 40-50% of your income. – put the rest of your income in other places. When it's not all right in front of you, you're way more likely to leave it alone.

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We believe that you can create passive income online to create the lifestyle of your dreams, never give up, never settle, be intentional, and always create! You're always one choice away from a completely new lifestyle!

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? Show Notes and Resources Mentioned in Today's Episode:

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? – Books We Suggest:

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