Calling Network Marketers

Sometimes as a network marketer the best people to talk to are people brand new to the industry. They are fresh and excited to embark on something new! At one point, just like me, you were once new to the industry of network marketing. If you are anything like me, as...

The Ultimate Home Business Checklist

Joining a home business can be scary for most because many have never operated any kind of business before. Even though the home business route is typically a smart one because of the minimized risks and potential for amazing reward, 97% of the industry seems to get...

3 Ways To Build MLM While Working Full Time

You feel like in order to build your network marketing business to a full time income, that you need to just QUIT YOUR JOB and attack this thing head on, and GO FULL TIME at it!! The truth is, if you can't build your network marketing business part time, its virtually...

3 Ways To Motivate Your Team

How do I motivate my team to get moving? This is one of the questions we get the most from our students and our audience. The first thing we tell them is trying to motivate people is a complete waste of time. It will begin to tire you out and you will end up being the...

7 Shortcuts To Improve Your Business

Most people that make the decision to take their business seriously get to a place where they would rather have the results sooner than later. I was definitely one of those people. There was a moment in my business when I realized “There has to be a better way...

Ray Higdon Take Aways

When the man who has made over 1 million dollars in a single weekend takes the stage you tend to stop what you're doing and listen. Take the best notes you can and be sure to actually APPLY what you learn when you get the chance. We had the opportunity to see one of...

Biggest Branding Mistakes

Have you been feeling clueless on how to create the personal brand for your business? You hear it all the time right? You should be building a personal brand for your business. Your brand is the most important thing to focus on when it comes to marketing. You hear...

My 100k Gift Card Story

Have you ever looked back at a situation and you trace it back to one particular instance that shaped the entire outcome? I have had it happen plenty of times. But I have often been told our lives are defined by only a few key moments. This is by far the wildest story...

3 Tips To Guarantee Success

Do you want Guaranteed Success?  How would it feel to know what if you did a few things that it would literally solidify your success? Do You think you would take more action? Be more positive? Those are just a couple of the things that viewers in today's show spoke...