Rejection. The one word that keeps countless network marketers from actually taking action in their business. We fear the rejection we may get from the other party if they say “no”. Wouldn't you feel better if you knew what to say not if, but when you get your next objection. I know you would!! I sure feel great knowing that there is nothing anyone can say to me that would leave me speechless or afraid. I now am equipped with the tools and skills to handle any objection or rejection from a place of power. Today I want to help you get to the same place. I then can make you the promise of guaranteeing you 4-10 new customers/reps in your business when you handle objections the right way. Not the way that raises resistance with fancy come backs. Today I will teach you how to effectively communicate with power. The best part in network marketing is knowing there will only be a handful of objections you will ever get in your career. Watch this clip from a live webinar on objection handling with our group coaching clients each Tuesday night @ 9pm est!
4 Steps To Avoiding Objections!
- Share Your Vision – When you share your vision with others its extremely powerful! It allows people to create belief by having a picture painted in their head that your vision can actually happen! To take it a step further, include other people in your vision and watch them get so involved, objections will rarely come up
- PASSION – If you sound like what you're doing is a job, and the prospects can not hear and even FEEL your passion this will raise suspicion and objections with your prospects. But When they can feel your passion they know they should probably take a closer look. Many people dont have passion or have lost it and would love to get it back! Show them how!
- Enroll In The Movement – All the advice in the world won't get your results unless you actually take action. Connecting with 20 different people each day on Facebook and other places allowed me to get my message in front of more people. Having a good clear message, NOT a sales pitch, an actually message will create some serious momentum inside of your business.
- Be Willing To Walk Away – Being addicted to the outcome is one of the 10 commandments of proper recruiting! Someone has to be willing to walk away to create attraction. Often times this has to be you. Want people to chase you down. Be willing to posture up and walk away from the deal!
Ryan Mcmorris’ Personal Branding Blog
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PS: One of the ways I built my business FASTER while I was working was by having an affiliate marketing offer as well as my mlm. This allowed me to make $100/mo from every “no” I got for my mlm. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO