Talking to strangers for your network marketing business can be one of the most stressful exercises to grow your business. You may feel as if talking to your warm market just isn't working. If you're anything like me, you don't want to hear “No” from your warm market. So when I started my business, to avoid that word, I just didn't approach them! I knew if I was going to approach my cold market, I was going to have to do it the RIGHT way.
So here are a few tips to help you communicate better when it comes to talking with strangers!
1. Saying less to more people should be the main objective. When we
say too much we can get ourselves into trouble in cold market
prospecting. Always have a break in communication. Learn More
about B.I.C. Here
2. Don't put up with anyone's crap. You are a CEO remember, and a
CEO has posture. They do not let negativity or negative people walk
on them nor control them. You will more than likely never see this
person again. Plus, who wants to work with negative people anyway!
3. Here is the last tip – please take this seriously. DO NOT BE WEIRD.
You are human, too. One way to NOT be weird is to make sure
you're talking to people as if you had NOTHING to offer them in
terms of an opportunity or product. Your goal should be to make
new friends in your area and casually see if they are open, then
collect their information.
**Want to Enroll 14 People in 30 days like I did? Of Course You Do! Tune Into The Monday Marketing Master Webinar Tonight at 10pm est. and be sure to plug in every Monday night @ 10pm est**
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Ryan Mcmorris
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